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Contact Dr. ir. Filip Willocx

How do we impact your CSRD?

ESRS E1 - Climate change

Through optimizing cleaning and maintenance protocols, we significantly reduce energy consumption, manual labour, transport and use of different cleaning detergents.


ESRS E2 - Pollution

The friendly bacteria, once introduced in the indoor environment, immediately start to metabolize indoor air pollutants like PAH, VOC and PM by at least 50%.  


ESRS E3 - Water and marine resources

By embracing BioOrg biophillic cleaning liquids and methods, we can reduce water consumption and prevent wastwater discharges by fully excluding drinking water
and detergents in regular cleaning operations.  


ESRS E4 - Biodiversity and ecosystems

The introduction of a supplementary mix of friendly bacteria into a microbial depleated built environment will enriched the indoor microbial biodiversity by factor 1000.


ESRS E5 - Resources use and circular economy

We borrow living organisms from nature, enjoy their health supporting, purifying and cleaning powers, and release them back to nature. This is the most regenerative way possible to enhance indoor living quality.  


ESRS S2 - Workers in the value chain

While building a bioclimate indoors, you choose to support human health of all colleagues, subcontractors and visitors thanks to the immunoregulating and metabolizing properties of the friendly microbiome present.


Join the Microbiome Movement today

Ready to experience the transformative power of friendly bacteria in your indoor environment?

Enjoy our technology today and discover how to create a healthy living bioclimate for any modern built environment. Together with friendly bacteria, we can make a difference!

Join the Microbiome Movement